Other Services

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Other Services

Cultural Bridges Cultural Intelligence provides a variety of other services to assist your organization, company, or group to improve their cultural intelligence. We have outlined the services we provide from workshops to public speaking, however, we have been brought in to provide assistance in a few other capcities.


Our presentations are designed to meet the needs of any client seeking to gain more knowledge and insight into pervasive cultural issues that pertain to their working or learning environment. These workshops have been developed for educational institutions, corporations, individuals, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.  

Some of our most popular topics include:

  • Lessons Learnt from Cultural Intelligence™
  • The Settlement Process for Newcomers
  • I’m in Saskatoon, Now What?!
  • Working with Canadians – A General Guideline
  • After Graduation – A Glimpse of Canadian Life for International Graduates
  • Difficult Conversations: Communicating and Problem Solving in Intercultural Settings
  • Creating Meaningful and Sustainable Intercultural Relationships
  • Preparing for Cultural Differences
  • Curiosity & Culture:  What’s the Connection?
  • The Homestay Experience from Start to Finish 
  • How to Recruit for a Small to Mid-Size International Student Program
  • Homestay Adaptation:  Helping International Students and Homestay Providers Adapt
  • Retaining Hosts & Rekindling Enthusiasm for Homestay
  • Homesickness & Culture Shock
Website Audits

Cultural Bridges offers a Website Content Audit to help organizations and institutions improve the accessibility and inclusivity of how the English language is used on their website. We create a detailed analysis of existing content on your website to ensure the language used is not, deliberately or inadvertently excluding people.  We strive to ensure the content is effective, engaging and inclusive.


Inclusive language plays an important part in reaching a wider audience by using words, phrases or expressions that are specifically chosen to appeal to a wider audience while avoiding discriminatory views and minimizing confusion or offense. It is important that inclusive language is used in all forms of communication as a means of showing respect and appreciation for diverse audiences. Prioritizing inclusive language will be reflected in an increase in products sold or services rendered. Language is our main form of communication and it plays a powerful role in creating impactful inclusion.


If your goal is to include diverse people in your organizational or institutional offerings then book Cultural Bridges for a Website Content Audit for your workplace.

Employee Handbooks

We would love to hear from you and discuss other ways we can assist you in improving your Cultural Intelligence.

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